Article - NESHealth Practitioners

FIRE | Chair Pose - Utkatasana

  • A challenging pose with hidden benefits, chair pose, or utkatasana (OOT-kah-TAHS-anna) works your body inside and out. Aside from strengthening your legs, this powerful pose also improves the health of your diaphragm and stimulates your heart. Practicing regularly will not only increase your physical endurance, it also encourages your chest and arms to open, creating more space in your body energetically.


    1. Stand at the top of your mat and place your feet inner-hip width distance apart with all toes facing forward.

    2. Reach your arms overhead, palms facing each other.

    3. Bend your knees and reach your seat back, so most of your weight is in your heels. Keep your knees over your feet.

    4. Allow your upper body to lean forward slightly. If you were to look in a mirror, the line of your torso and the line of your thighs would approximately create a right angle.

    5. Draw your shoulder blades gently toward each other and down, keeping shoulders away from your ears. Lengthen through your tailbone to encourage your lower back to stay long.

    6. Hold the pose for up to 60 seconds, then release.


    While sitting in a chair is a common act for most of us today, chairs were once, and in some locations still are, considered a luxury. A throne in particular is a seat of power, one assumed by leaders around the world. The pose utkatasana, translated to mean powerful pose, invites individuals to sit on their throne, their seat of power. Embracing the challenge of the pose, and recognizing the strength that is generated when assumed thoughtfully and in proper alignment (physically and spiritually), you can begin to refine all aspects of your life, allowing yourself to step into roles of leadership and responsibility with clarity and confidence.