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Lorna Gearon:  Certified Light Therapist (PBMT) BANHS.    Massage Therapy (MAA).    NES Health Practitioner - Bioenergetics (IICT).     BioenergetiX WellNES System - Assessment & Support Protocols   

Welcome to personalised, prioritised health care.  Twenty-five (25) years of scientifically sound research in Physics, Quantum Biology, Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine has illuminated information exchange and transfer in the human body providing insight to an optimum human Body-field resulting in a safe, effective, three-tier system for health - the BioEnergetiX WellNES System, stabilised organic proprietary infoceuticals for daily correction. and the miHealth Biofeedback Device.  Benefit the rejuvenation of stem cell production, support normal immune system response - healthy circulation - healthy blood pressure levels - treatment of bone fractures and torn tendons, increase cellular oxygen absorption - and more! Click here for more information. Hydrate with structured molecules powering your body-battery for optimum energy.  Energy is  the currency of functionality and from it the driver to heal. HOW MUCH DO YOU HAVE OF THIS CRITICAL REVENUE? 

Assess the Body-Field with custom scanning software, experience our 21st century information-based technology for physical, emotional and energetic recovery.  Scan for your comprehensive assessment as you identify distortions and blockages of your information pathways and the sifting of emotions affecting your health.  Reveal your mind-body connections and the bones of your dis-ease.  Where is your seat of toxicity manifest - environmental, bacterial, emf's, and viruses, even microbes, moulds, fungi, bacterium that are destabilising your being?  What are the archetypes you are operating through and where is the flow, drive, creative juice to manifest your dreams?                                                                    

Pain is an expression begging correction. Let us start again. Remove the veil of limitation and see how this system can help you.  Renew confidence, revive your capacity for joy and enter your cellular conversation - to health. Click here for more information

Activate your FREE account. - explore articles; books; exercises; movies; music; podcasts; recipes; scans with your imprint for your perusal/personal meditations; and videos. 

Welcome to Biolei Holistic and 'awaken the glow within'.     

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1/4/2022.    HEALTHCORP  13901800-8901254:  Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation. HLTAID009; Provide basic emergency life support HLTAID010; Provide First Aid HLTAID011


24/12/2021 NES HEALTH PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION: Certified NES Health Practitioner - BioEnergetiX WellNES System Assessment & Treatment

16/12/2021 THOR PHOTOMEDICINE: Thor Photomedicine Training Course - Laser Therapy (16 Hrs)


12/9/2020   PHOTONIC THERAPY INSTITUTE: Certified Human Light Therapist - Photobiomodulation (PBMT)

30/6/2020  THOR PHOTOMEDICINE: Thor Photobiomodulation Training Course - Laser Therapy (16Hrs)

24/8/2019  DISCOVER MASSAGE AUSTRALIA: Certificate Whole Body Massage; Treatment - Seated Neck & Shoulder Massage; Treatment - Headache

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