#45 The Secret Life of the Virus

  • There are approximately 380 TRILLION viruses in the human Virome, outnumbering our own cells 10 to 1. So what exactly is their purpose? And why so many of us think of viruses as something to be eradicated?

    Tune into this week's episode to hear NES Health founder Harry Massey tell the secret life of the virus as a messenger for the cell. Learn the differences between virus theory and terrain theory; how viruses help us learn and adapt to our changing environment; and what you can do to promote a healthy cellular terrain and help your body deal with "bad" viruses more effectively.

    Get the episode transcript here.

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Always curios about Life Mysteries and human transformational processes, I have searched for Truth in many places and had lived many adventures. In the last 18 years I have traveled in many places and have studied different healing modalities which took me in the point of working as a Nes Health Certified Practitioner. I am also a certified New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher : https://www.new-paradigm-mdt.org/teachers/anisoara-cismasu/, Certified Personal Development Counselor and a Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador: https://genekeys.com/ambassadors/anisoara-cismasu/

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  1. Nes Health Certified Practitioner


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