#48 Reprogramming Our Reality with Dr. Bruce Lipton

  • The Choice Point 2020 exclusive interviews continue this week with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., an eminent cell biologist who left academia to become a private researcher and educator in the space of cell biology, epigenetics, the mind-body connection, and the application of quantum physics to biology. In this interview, Harry Massey and Dr. Lipton cover topics like:

    • The true nature and origins of the virus, and how our body uses them to "upgrade our software"
    • The powerful impact of fear on our health & well-being
    • How the water in our cells is responsive to fields and can tune in to the "good vibes" and "bad vibes" that surround us
    • The earth is healing while humans are in lockdown... what can we learn from this in order to avoid extinction?
    • Recognizing and overcoming our subconscious programming (which started before we were even born!)

    Stay up to date by joining the Choice Point 2020 Facebook Group.

    Read the full transcript here.

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Always curios about Life Mysteries and human transformational processes, I have searched for Truth in many places and had lived many adventures. In the last 18 years I have traveled in many places and have studied different healing modalities which took me in the point of working as a Nes Health Certified Practitioner. I am also a certified New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher : https://www.new-paradigm-mdt.org/teachers/anisoara-cismasu/, Certified Personal Development Counselor and a Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador: https://genekeys.com/ambassadors/anisoara-cismasu/

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  1. Nes Health Certified Practitioner


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