#53 Practitioner Interview with Lisa Keegan

  • In this episode, you will meet Lisa Keegan, a NES Health Practitioner with a background in Education and Sound Healing, supporting children with learning difficulties and disabilities.

    Even though Lisa was able to connect and help the children she was supporting, she knew there was much more she could do…

    Following many hours of research and learning, Lisa developed her own Neurological Sound Healing program.

    On this podcast, Lisa will be sharing her search for the following questions:
    - Why don’t we know how to heal ourselves?
    - How do we get to the root cause?

    These questions led her to NES and the BWS system. NES resonated with Lisa as it didn’t target specific symptoms, but looked at the body as a whole. You can listen to her full story here!

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Always curios about Life Mysteries and human transformational processes, I have searched for Truth in many places and had lived many adventures. In the last 18 years I have traveled in many places and have studied different healing modalities which took me in the point of working as a Nes Health Certified Practitioner. I am also a certified New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher : https://www.new-paradigm-mdt.org/teachers/anisoara-cismasu/, Certified Personal Development Counselor and a Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador: https://genekeys.com/ambassadors/anisoara-cismasu/

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  1. Nes Health Certified Practitioner


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