#54 Practitioner Interview with Katie Webber

  • Katie joined the NES Practitioner community two years ago. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Queensland University, majoring in Physiology and Biochemistry. She then entered a teaching career in Chemistry and Biology for ten years.  

    Katie found Energy Medicine after suffering from Asthma since the age of four. Within a short time, she had a noticeable positive shift in her health, which led her into registering for an Advanced Healing course, subsequently beginning a new career as an Energy Healer.  

    Even though she has only been offering NES in her practice for two years, in that time built an incredible global client network. Katie will be sharing how she uses the NES system with all of her clients and her own fascinating experience with the Glial Cell Infoceutical.  

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Always curios about Life Mysteries and human transformational processes, I have searched for Truth in many places and had lived many adventures. In the last 18 years I have traveled in many places and have studied different healing modalities which took me in the point of working as a Nes Health Certified Practitioner. I am also a certified New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher : https://www.new-paradigm-mdt.org/teachers/anisoara-cismasu/, Certified Personal Development Counselor and a Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador: https://genekeys.com/ambassadors/anisoara-cismasu/

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  1. Nes Health Certified Practitioner


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