Your Journey to Abundant Energy Begins Today!

Exhausted? Not feeling well? My goal is to help you to restore your energy for life. And I have an incredibly powerful and fulfilling approach to doing this. Start by connecting with me.

If you find yourself struggling to get through the day due to low energy, then it’s time to find out why.

Maybe you’ve been down the road of medicine. Or you’ve spent time crafting your diet and supplement list with a nutritionist. Or you’ve started downing green drinks for breakfast.

Maybe you’ve tried all these and more, yet you still feel sluggish and can’t summon the energy to do all the wonderful things you once enjoyed.

Well, there’s a reason for that. Both medicine and nutrition focus only on the body’s chemistry, which is important … but it’s literally just half the story.

That’s because your body — like everything in the universe, according to science — is based on energy first, and that energy drives all chemical actions.

This energy extends throughout your body and even beyond it, giving you a “body-field” of energy that represents the true physical root of who you are.

How the System Works:

Bioenergetic Assessment To Check Your Body’s State
Consultation & Support By Your Bioenergtic Coach
Personalized Infoceutical Protocol
Online Educational Material

We have put together this limited offer that includes everything you need to experience our program.

Contact me to learn more about my Services

Your Free Account Includes Access To:

  • 1) “Restore Your Energy With Bioenergetics” Book
  • 2) Imprinted Music
  • 3) The Living Matrix Movie
  • 4) SuperCharged Movie
  • 5) Choice Point Movie
  • 6) Videos
  • 7) Bioenergetic Cooking Recipes
  • 8) Yoga Exercises
  • 9) Daily Health & Wellness Tips
  • 10) Podcasts & Blogs

Claim Your Remote Scan Now

Learn more about me and my expertise and contact me to get started living a more energetic life.

Start Now

The NEW “Recharge Your Energy” Book Is Yours Free — No Strings Attached

Your body has a battery that must be charged and control system that no one is talking about.

Learn the secrets of charging up and maximizing your use of energy to power a happier, more fulfilling life.

Get The Free Book

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Dear Reader,

For more than 40 years I have been engaged in helping people change their lives for the better in all areas. I have done that as a social worker and as a self-employed therapist and private social worker.

My core values are:

It is your life and your body and it is your choice what you want to change. My responsibility is to help you on your way by finding the right tools for you and your health and asking the questions for change.

With all the best wishes for you and your health and freedom,

Gabriella Donnerborg

Kære Læser,

I godt 40 år har jeg hjulpet personer med at skabe forandringer i deres liv, så hverdagen bliver mere og mere, som den enkelte ønsker det. Det har jeg gjort i mit arbejde som socialrådgiver og som selvstændig behandler og privat socialrådgiver.

Nogle af mine vigtigste kerneværdier er:

Det er dit liv og din krop, og det er dit valg, hvad du ønsker at ændre. Det er mit ansvar sammen med dig at finde de enkle redskaber og stille de spørgsmål, der kan hjælpe dig på vej.

Med ønsket om alt godt for dig og din sundhed og frihed,

Gabriella Donnerborg

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NES Health practitioner. 

EFT/TFT therapy

Cranio-Sacral therapy

NLP master practitioner and therapy

Golden Wings Healing.

Courses in anatomy & physiology and science of illnesses - all at the level of nurses

Social worker 

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