#35 The Diet Wars

  • Here's a glance at what you'll learn in this episode:

    Are the foods you eat wreaking havoc on your energy levels? In this week’s podcast, host, Harry Massey takes a look at food from a bioenergetic perspective and aims to resolve much of the current confusion around diet.

    Tune in to the podcast to learn about:

    • The Importance of Choosing Foods with a Higher Photonic Value
    • 3 Simple Steps to Supercharge Your Diet
    • Hard-hitting Impact of Poor Diet
    • Professor Popp’s Correlation Between Food Quality & Coherent Light

    Click here for the full transcript.

    Harry Massey

    Harry was sick with serious chronic fatigue all through his 20s. He spent four of those years bedridden, and six completely housebound. He tried many different things on his recovery journey including nutrition, naturopathy, fasting, Gerson Therapy, and virtually every other biochemical approach you can think of. 

    He eventually made a FULL RECOVERY after discovering energy medicine and studying quantum biology.

    After being held back by his illness for 10 years, Harry is now...

    … a successful inventor of the BioEnergetiX WellNES system, the world’s first practical clinical system for reading and correcting the body’s energetic field.

     … the CEO of NES Health, a company dedicated to fostering a 21st-century system of healthcare based on the integration of physics and biology.

     … a published author of multiple books such as Decoding the Human Body-Field and The New Science of Information as Medicine

    … creator of the award-winning film “The Living Matrix” and other documentary films that educate and inspire the general public about cutting-edge bioenergetics and bio-informational approaches to health and well-being.

    More recently, he has written & directed the full-length documentary film “Choice Point – Align Your Purpose”, which includes interviews from Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Scilla Elworthy, John Paul DeJoria, Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Gregg Braden.  

    Harry's latest project is “SuperCharged”, which looks at how top performers have been able to transform themselves from lethargy to having abundant energy for life. The movie explores some of the exciting solutions to the problems in mainstream science and medicine and takes a deeper look into circadian rhythms, light, magnetism, and water to show how energy works in the body beyond just nutrition.

    From wracked with illness and bed-bound to literally changing the world - Harry’s story is an inspiration for anyone dealing with a long-term, severe illness or overcoming other kinds of seriously challenging circumstances.

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Debbie Radvar, LMT, CST is a practitioner with more than 25 years of continuous learning and experience in holistic health. She has created a system of healing combining multiple techniques to assist clients in overcoming physical pain, allergies, chronic illness and emotional stress. Using an integrated approach, with muscle testing as a primary guide, you will work together to reset the body’s bio-electrical system, harmonize allergies & sensitivities, and de-link negative emotions from thoughts that are no longer helpful. These science-based modalities activate the body’s ‘own’ inherent healing capacity and work towards putting the body back into balance.

Debbie’s passion is to help guide individuals and families in creating and maintaining healthier lifestyles, offering empowering and sustainable alternative approaches to simplify health and healing.

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Craniosacral Therapy • N.A.E.T Allergy Elimination • Thermography • TBM • Lifeline Technique • EFT • Matrix Energetics • Family Nutrition & Health Coaching • Physical & Emotional Healthcare Techniques & NES Practitioner

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