#17 Archetypes and Mind Body with Dr Lenny Izzo

  • Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:

    Does everyone have a life purpose? Dr Lenny Izzo, a renowned Chiropractor, and mastermind on archetypes and psychology, talks with Harry Massey about the hero’s journey, archetypes, and tapping into our psyche to reclaim our power, health, and find our life purpose.

    Tune in to hear all about:

    • Reaching a higher optimal performance as a human being
    • The hero’s journey and its three stages
    • The four survival archetypes we encounter throughout the journey
    • Using NES Health to awaken the Human Body-Field

    Download the full transcript of episode #17 Archetypes and Mind Body with Dr. Lenny Izzo.

    Harry Massey

    Bioenergetic expert, founder of NES Health, inventor of the Total WellNES System, the miHealth device, as featured on The Dr’s show, also the writer and director of The Living Matrix Movie, Choice Point, and his latest project called ‘SuperCharged’.

    Harry was suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome which left him bed-ridden for 7 long years. He had tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach he could find but nothing had given him a permanent cure.

    Then, as a result of his own research, he met a visionary scientific thinker named Peter Fraser. That was when everything changed. Peter was an acupuncture expert who had spent more than 20 years researching what he called the ‘human body-field’ and developing remedies based on it. Harry volunteered to try them and, amazingly, over the next two years was able to make a full recovery.

    Peter and Harry began working together, combining Peter’s stunning research with Harry’s entrepreneurial skills and remarkable technological insights. They founded NES Health (then called Nutri-Energetics Systems) to develop practical applications based on this new understanding of the information and energy that make up the body field.

    Together they created the world’s first practical clinical system for ‘reading’ the body field and then correcting it – NES ProVision and a range of NES Infoceuticals. Since then, we have continued to innovate new healthcare solutions and technologies, including the first-ever handheld healthcare device that allows healthcare practitioners to remove distortions in a client’s energy pathways and stimulate trigger points to bring the body back to its natural oscillation.

    Dr Lenny Izzo

    Dr. Izzo received his doctorate from New York Chiropractic College and his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from C.W. Post College. In practice since 1980, Dr. Izzo has a broad background in integrated health care with a special interest in clinical nutrition. He teaches and lectures on the subject of nutritional psychology, understanding the “issues in the tissues” and has made numerous appearances on radio and television. His clinical experience of integrating conventional medicine with advanced clinical nutrition, spiritual practices and other holistic modalities make for a more effective and comprehensive approach in treating the “whole person.”

    Dr. Izzo combines a variety of modalities to not only improve the physical health of his patients but he is also passionate about initiating others into finding their personal power and purpose and thus achieving freedom in their world. Dr. Izzo’s understanding and practical application of the principles of spirit and science provide a unique context for healing, enlightenment, and true transformation.

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Debbie Radvar, LMT, CST is a practitioner with more than 25 years of continuous learning and experience in holistic health. She has created a system of healing combining multiple techniques to assist clients in overcoming physical pain, allergies, chronic illness and emotional stress. Using an integrated approach, with muscle testing as a primary guide, you will work together to reset the body’s bio-electrical system, harmonize allergies & sensitivities, and de-link negative emotions from thoughts that are no longer helpful. These science-based modalities activate the body’s ‘own’ inherent healing capacity and work towards putting the body back into balance.

Debbie’s passion is to help guide individuals and families in creating and maintaining healthier lifestyles, offering empowering and sustainable alternative approaches to simplify health and healing.

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Craniosacral Therapy • N.A.E.T Allergy Elimination • Thermography • TBM • Lifeline Technique • EFT • Matrix Energetics • Family Nutrition & Health Coaching • Physical & Emotional Healthcare Techniques & NES Practitioner

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