#10 How EMFs Affects Your Health with Nick Pineault

  • Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:

    • What is Electromagnetic Frequency Pollution
    • The biggest culprits of EMF pollution in our daily life
    • Symptoms of EMF exposure and sensitivity
    • Tips to reduce EMF exposure for optimal energy and longevity

    Download the full transcript of episode #10 How EMFs Affects Your Health with Nick Pineault.

    Wendy Myers

    She has contributed articles to top health sites around the web and spoke on countless health summits and podcasts.

    Wendy is passionate about educating the public on Bioenergetics. She healed her own health issues and developed a successful, unique detox and supplement program.

    Wendy is a functional diagnostic nutritionist and certified holistic health coach in Los Angeles, Ca. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and has a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. She uses Hair Mineral Analysis and other toxic metals testing for the purposes of designing custom Mineral Power detox and supplement programs for her clients around the world.

    Wendy urges her readers and clients to take responsibility for their own health by learning about healthy diet, lifestyle, detox and alternative treatments for health conditions. She aims to help her clients and readers help themselves and realize their body has self-healing mechanisms. Wendy ultimately wants to help you achieve optimum health, energy and vitality.

    Nicolas Pineault

    Nicolas Pineault is a health journalist who has published more than 1,500 online articles through a daily newsletter called Nick & Gen’s Healthy Life.

    In 2017, he authored The Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs — an unconventional book which combines common sense and humor to tackle the very serious topic of electromagnetic pollution and its effects on human health.

    You can learn more about Nick’s work at NonTinfoilEMF.com

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Debbie Radvar, LMT, CST is a practitioner with more than 25 years of continuous learning and experience in holistic health. She has created a system of healing combining multiple techniques to assist clients in overcoming physical pain, allergies, chronic illness and emotional stress. Using an integrated approach, with muscle testing as a primary guide, you will work together to reset the body’s bio-electrical system, harmonize allergies & sensitivities, and de-link negative emotions from thoughts that are no longer helpful. These science-based modalities activate the body’s ‘own’ inherent healing capacity and work towards putting the body back into balance.

Debbie’s passion is to help guide individuals and families in creating and maintaining healthier lifestyles, offering empowering and sustainable alternative approaches to simplify health and healing.

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Craniosacral Therapy • N.A.E.T Allergy Elimination • Thermography • TBM • Lifeline Technique • EFT • Matrix Energetics • Family Nutrition & Health Coaching • Physical & Emotional Healthcare Techniques & NES Practitioner

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