93% of Users Agree: miHealth = Real Health Benefits… Really Fast!

Introducing the miHealth Device

When it comes to supporting your health, results are the bottom line. Fast results are even better. That’s why you’ll love to know about the miHealth, where 88% of participants in a large Outcome Study saw improvement after just one session.

For the best results, work with your practitioner on a program designed for your needs. The miHealth can be purchased directly from your practitioner.

The miHealth device was featured on the popular and highly regarded US TV programme: The Doctors. They explained how it can be used to help reduce muscle pain and more. Check out the video:

So what is the miHealth?

The miHealth is a handheld bioelectric and body-field device, combining (and improving on) a number of established technologies with our one-of-a-kind information-based technology.

The miHealth completely revolutionizes three technologies, making the unit as unique as powerful. Let’s touch on all three:

PEMF has been around for decades and is known for a lot of benefits. But there’s a debate in the PEMF community about whether to use strong or weak fields. That’s never been an issue for the miHealth because completely sidesteps this issue. You won’t get a reading from it on an EMF reader because the PEMF we use is so gentle … and completely different from every other device.

Typically, TENS electrically beats up on the nerves until it wears them out and they stop sending pain signals. As a result, it can help with short-term pain relief.

But the miHealth takes a more elegant approach. The miHealth goes beyond TENS and makes it smart, rather than a bludgeon.

Normal SCENAR devices are either set to particular frequencies, or they run up and down bands of frequencies to try interacting with the nervous system. And over the years, they have plenty of proven results.

But the miHealth provides precise and efficient biofeedback. This is because the miHealth is the only bioelectric technology using resonance frequencies in harmony with the body based on decades of our own research. In other words, the miHealth takes the guesswork out and provides real answers.

Acute Balance

For general relaxation of acute muscle and emotional tension.

After Sport

For general fatigue rejuvenation after exertion. Supports: muscle fatigue, muscle enzymes, muscle tone.


Works at cellular level to recharge the whole body with energy, so you’re ready for action.


Helps with fatigue associated with not being able to fall asleep or stay awake.


Helps with processing daily emotional upsets so a peaceful, relaxed and happy state of being can be maintained.


Help with fatigue associated with the effects of Electro Magnetic Frequencies. Works with low frequency such as computers, mobile phones, radio transmitters, microwaves and higher frequencies such as X rays.


Assists with fatigue of hormone, enzyme production, and nervous system associated with older age.


Helps with fat metabolism processes. May also help regulate appetite.


Give yourself the healthy-looking, glowing skin.

What the miHealth Does

A few examples of the 200+ pre-programmed settings included in your miHealth

What the miHealth Does

A few examples of the 200+ pre-programmed settings included in your miHealth


As if revolutionizing 3 established technologies weren’t enough, miHealth takes things even further:


It’s as easy to browse and select treatments as using a smartphone app. Scroll through options, choose the right program and let miHealth’s smart technology take care of the rest.


Other devices focus only on preset PEMF frequencies. Just choose your setting from among dozens and let miHealth’s proprietary information signals do their thing.


We’ll let others think that “one size fits all.” You know better. So in addition to all pre set options, you can work out your customized program with a bioenergetic practitioner.

As you can see, the miHealth is like nothing else in the marketplace. It stands alone as a true revolutionary that consistently gets results, and can become your portable wellness system. If you’re like other users, you’ll find yourself using it just about every day. And sleeping beside it. And helping those you love with it.


For the best results, work with your practitioner on a program designed for your needs. The miHealth can be purchased directly from your practitioner.

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Hi I’m Helen and my passion is about restoring health and wellness.  

From the age of 23 I started to experience serious health issues.  A succession of hospital visits, various tests, and surgery helped, but they only offered short term fixes.  What I needed was someone who could look at my body as a whole rather than individual organ systems. 

Fourteen years ago, I met Harry Massey from NES Health. Harry had suffered with chronic fatigue for a number of years. His own journey back to full health, led him to creating ‘The Energy 4 Life’ wellness program. 

When I embarked on the ‘Energy 4 Life’ program one of the things, I discovered was that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself.   By giving the body the correct information, nourishing it with the right foods, eliminating toxins from things like personal care products plus other important areas of our lives, you create an environment that encourages healing. 

Having experienced a massive shift with my own health encouraged me to train as a NES practitioner.  Alongside training with NES Health, I also added a base line of other modalities to enhance my learning and skill set.  This journey got me thinking and reminiscing about the nickname my grandad had given me as a young child ‘Helpful Helen’.  How bizarre that all these years later I was fulfilling my childhood nickname.   My grandad also had another pet name for me ‘Troublemaker’, but hey that’s another story….

I passionately believe the body has an inherent ability to heal itself.  My philosophy is to promote well-being by stimulating and supporting the body on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, treating the person as a whole rather than treating the individual symptom.  

My aim is to educate and empower people to take a more proactive role in their well-being and to help them achieve their health goals.  The ‘Energy 4 Life’ program is about restoring balance to Body and Mind and boosting our Energy and Vitality. 

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NES Certified Practitioner (2012)

Detox, Cleanse & Weight Loss -  The College of Naturopathic Medicine (2016)

Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology -  Body & Soul School of Complementary Therapy (2017)

East Meets West - Quantum Biology & Traditional Chinese Medicine -  NES Health (2017)

Natural Facelift Rejuvenation Massage -  Body & Soul School of Complementary Therapy (2017)

Currently studying Traditional Chinese Medicine at a Diploma Level 

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